MSP Community Blog
The ASCII Blog highlights articles featuring MSP members from our community as well as ASCII staff

Why The ASCII Cup is a legendary event in the channel (and why the ASCII Edge conferences need to be on your calendar for 2023)
The ASCII Group just closed on another great season of events, including ASCII Cup 2022. The final ASCII MSP Success Summit of the year wrapped up in Dallas, Texas, on October 6-7. The featured lineup of speakers, content, networking, technology showcase pavilion and more solidified the Summits as the ‘premier’ event for MSPs. And of course, the added bonus of The ASCII Cup made this a not-to-be-missed experience. But do you know the history of the cup and the legacy of ASCII within the channel? See why 2023 is brimming with even more opportunities for MSPs with the launch of our new event series, ASCII Edge, and why you will want to be an ASCII member.
• History in the Channel
The ASCII Group is celebrating nearly 40 years of providing a membership-based community to North American MSPs and Solution Providers. Through ASCII membership, IT business owners have access to preferred pricing, networking opportunities with fellow professionals, exposure to the latest technology and more, as well as significant operating cost reductions. Founded in 1984 by Alan Weinberger in Washington, D.C., the group is led by its original founding executive. With a consistent focus on meeting the needs of its members, the company’s programs and offerings have greatly expanded as the Channel has evolved.
• Always Vendor Neutral
Recognizing a need to provide business tools for growth to like-minded IT professionals was the company’s founding principle nearly four decades ago and remains the same today. The ASCII Group continues to be committed to providing MSPs with a united, trusted community alongside programs, services, and opportunities. ASCII continues to grow within North America, driven by strong member retention and remaining vendor neutral.
• The Core of the Community
We asked ASCII members to describe our community in three words – and they said: networking; collaboration; and partnerships. The vision for ASCII has always been to bring forth to our MSP community straightforward content, programs and services that can be easily applied to IT businesses. With expanded member networking opportunities, the focus of our group is knowledge sharing leveraging the community’s large buying power, and fellowship.
• Introducing ASCII Edge
In 2023 our regional events, known for many years as the ASCII MSP Success Summits, will have a new name – ASCII Edge. Echoing its mission, ASCII Edge focuses on business education through best practices, networking opportunities, and collaboration, all to provide a competitive edge for MSPs in attendance. New and exclusive sessions have been created and are geared towards supporting MSPs in growing their business practices. Topics will range from operations; to sales and marketing; to technology; and more, all while providing direct guidance and take-away wisdom from our vendor community.
• Why The ASCII Cup is Legendary
The humble beginnings of The ASCII Cup are unknown; some say it was discovered after packing up the last box of the final Comdex show, while others think it was discovered in the secret tunnels under a certain campus in Redmond. Regardless of its origins, the ASCII Cup has power. Each fall, awards are presented to technology companies that are committed to innovation and channel goodwill in addition to helping ASCII members grow their IT businesses. The winners are voted upon by ASCII members at regional events and the Cup is presented to the vendor of the year. We have celebrated in many terrific cities over the years including Las Vegas, Atlantic City, Seattle, Boston, Los Angeles, and more!
It’s been a great event season for The ASCII Group! In 2023 we look forward to differentiating ourselves from other channel events by working in concert with our vendor partners to create a cutting-edge experience for our attendees. Don’t miss an opportunity to join us next year. Stay tuned.