Forums, Peer Groups & Community for Managed IT Service Providers (MSP)
Going it alone is a tough way to do business. Leveraging the shared knowledge and experience of your peers is the easiest way to avoid unnecessary headaches and pitfalls. The ASCII Group’s world-wide network of 1,300+ MSPs are used to interacting with each other on a daily basis. The community leans on each other for education and support and we fully encourage constructive discourse and the sharing of ideas.

Field Intelligence On-demand
ASCII has one of the most active list-serves in the world, averaging over 3,000 posts a month. Only members can access the listserv (i.e. no vendors or outside parties), so there are open conversations on topics ranging from technical inquiries, to industry direction, to business challenges and more. Members consistently rate the listserv as the most utilized ASCII benefit.

Product Champion Rooms
There is an overwhelming amount of choice when it comes to selecting the right vendor partners. We have over a dozen listserv rooms decided to discussing and sharing information about specific vendors in the industry. You can find valuable insights as to the history of other members who work with these vendors and make sure you are getting the most out of the technology. These discussions are not public and not accessible to the vendors.

Regional MSP Networking Events
ASCII hosts nine regional events each year in major US and Canadian cities. The goal of these events is to help MSPs grow their businesses and add new recurring revenue streams. Through educational best practice sessions, technology presentations, and networking activities, ASCII brings members and non-members together to learn and develop new strategies for success. For more information on ASCII events, visit:

“The sheer amount of collective knowledge available to me through ASCII cannot be replicated. Whether it’s vetting a new vendor, saving money as part of a discount program or business insight gained through the listserv, my ASCII membership pays for itself every single day. By far it’s the best collective IT community out there. I couldn’t and wouldn’t run my business without it!”
Raffi Jamgotchian, President/CTO
Triada Networks, ASCII Group Member